
Henne Tin and Sheet Iron, established 1846.
“Within the town itself are the following numbers of master-mechanics, nearly all of whom employ several workmen: carpenters and builders 20, wagonmakers 7, blacksmiths 8, gun and locksmiths 2, coppersmiths 1, tinsmiths 2, machinist 1, saddlers 3, shoemakers 6, turners 2, tailors 5, button and fringemakers 1, tanners 3, butchers 3, bakers 4, gristmills (corn, wheat, ice, pulp, grain) 4, stores and small tradesmens’ shops 12, apothecaries 3…”
– Frederick Law Olmsted, 1855

Gus Pfeuffer with prize Hereford, 1912.
The German newcomers were quickly regarded as thrifty and industrious people. They rapidly set up shops and trades, adding newfound wealth to the region. The German farmers were especially efficient, producing yields more than double that of other farmers in Central Texas. In addition to crops, they raised sheep, cattle, pigs, and poultry for commercial production. Flour mills, textile factories, and processing plants were built to turn raw materials into fine finished goods.
“Only to the circumstance, that many people, engaged in agriculture, will settle in the vicinity, will New Braunfels be able to maintain itself, since it is not on a navigable river, nor has it other commercial advantages, except that it is a central point, where the agricultural population can exchange their products for merchandise and the artisans have their permanent place of residence.”
– Dr. Ferdinand von Roemer, 1847

Gold token, given as change by merchants, had greater value when returning to the same merchant to purchase supplies, circa 1870.

Neu Braunfelser Zeitung header, 1852.

Landa Falls, Landa Estate, circa 1890.
1846 | Merriweather Gin – first grist and saw mill |
1848 | Torrey Mill – first flour mill, second grist and saw mills |
1850 | Holekamp Mill |
1852 | Neu Braunfelser Zeitung begins publication, initially only in German |
1853 | Merriweather Cotton Gin – first cotton gin in New Braunfels |
1856 | Gieseke Brothers Woolen Factory |
1857 | Hoffmann Gin – horse and steam powered gin |
1860 | Koester Brandy Distillery |
1862 | Torrey Cotton Factory – Torrey Woolen Factory |
1863 | Saltpeter Kiln |
1867 | New Braunfels Woolen Manufacturing Company – supplied 1,233 yards of gray wool to Texas A&M for uniforms. |
1878 | Gruene Cotton Gin – steam operated |
1887 | H. Dittlinger Roller Mills |
1890 | Torrey Masonry Dam – powered the city of New Braunfels and Dittlinger flour mill |
1895 | Landa Cotton and Oil Company 1895 Landa Flour Mill |

Originally the Koester Brandy Distillery, later the New Braunfels Woolen Manufacturing Company, 1865.